Please join us on the final leg of our journey as we travel to China, to bring our precious little Lia home! We look forward to hearing from you during our trip. We invite you to leave your thoughts and wishes along our Journey. We will share this special keepsake with Lia when she is older.

Also, we thank you in advance, for your prayers during our travels!
Especially, on February 20 when we become Lia’s parents forever and on March 4th when we travel home with her! We also request your prayers for her brothers and sister, Nathan, Emily and Ryan as they stay here getting things ready to welcome their precious mei mei home! We can’t wait to be a family of six!
~Blessings, Amanda & Jason

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Our Trip

“A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”
~Ancient Chinese Proverb
Come with us to China! This is where you will come to see the latest adventure of our family while we are in China for 2 weeks. Each day we will post a daily recap of our activities with pictures so everyone can see our adventures!


Wednesday, Feb. 16
Depart for Beijing

Friday, Feb. 18 Arrive in Beijing 9:45 am. Rest and Beijing Sight-Seeing

Saturday, Feb. 19 Holt Orientation meeting and Beijing Sight-Seeing

Sunday, Feb. 20 GOTCHA DAY!! Morning-flight to Jinan; Afternoon-We meet Wang Le Tong at our Hotel

Monday, Feb. 21 Adoption Day! Lia is officially ours!!

Tuesday, Feb. 22 Fast Train to Qingdao to process passport application

Wednesday, Feb. 23 Waiting for notarized documents; Visit Qingdao SWI

Thursday, Feb. 24 Notarized documents collected; Sightseeing & Shopping Qingdao

Friday, Feb 25 Lia’s passport collected. Travel from Qingdao to Guangzhou. Lia’s first Flight!

Saturday, Feb. 26 Medical Exam, TB Test & Consulate Paperwork

Sunday, Feb. 27 Free day

Monday, Feb. 28 Back to the medical center for observation of Lia’s TB test result

Tuesday, Mar. 1 Collect Medical and TB test report. Consulate Appointment for visa

Wednesday, Mar.2 Free Day visit Safari Zoo

Thursday, Mar. 3 Visa ceremony & pickup Lia’s visa

Friday, Mar. 4 Depart from Guangzhou for home! Lia becomes a United States citizen when our plane touches down at 4:40pm! We can’t wait to celebrate and introduce her to Nate, Emily and Ryan.

“Do not fear, for I am with you;
I will bring your children from the East and gather you from the West.”~ Isaiah 43:5

Letters From the Kids to Their New Sister

Dear Lia,
Hi it's your big brother Nate. I'm very excited for you to come home. We've been praying for you every morning and I can't wait for you to play with us. I've been thinking about you a lot and I hope we have lots of fun together. I just did a project in school called Christmas around the world. I picked China because we we're adopting you and I want you to know Santa Clause brings us presents in America. One of his elves even lives in our house at Christmas time. Lia, I love you very much and I promise to help you through the rough times. I will always protect you and keep you safe.

Love your big brother,

Hi Lia,

It's your big sister Emily. I wish that you could just come home tomorrow. I love you soooooo much. I can't wait for you to see our new room and to play Barbies! I've always wanted a little sister to play girl stuff with. We are going to have so much fun.



I really really love you and I wish you could come home today. I really want you to play hide and seek with me. I wish you could watch sponge bob with me today. I wish you could see my big sister because she's very sweet. I can't wait to do popcorn movie night with you in our family!


Our Family

There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One of these is roots, the other…wings.
~Hodding Carter
We are Jason and Amanda - otherwise known as Mommy and Daddy. We have been married for 9 wonderful years. Living in Illinois, we have been blessed with three great children Nathan, Emily and Ryan. We love to spend time together as a family and everyone has their own special things they enjoy to do. Jason loves boating, skiing and is a huge Chicago Bears sports fan. Amanda is an occupational therapist who enjoys working with children. She loves music, baking and gardening with the kids. Nathan Michael is 9 years old. He is our baseball and football guy. Like his daddy, Nate never misses a Bears game and is often found sportin’ Bears gear. Emily Christine is 7 years old and full of joy. She loves swimming, drawing, fashion and all types of animals. She fills our family will her sweet giggles and love. Ryan Christopher is 5 years old. He is our fish and spends most of his days playing in some form of water. He loves to swim, knee board, and snuggle with mommy. Ryan is a great lover of nature and its inhabitants. Just ask his frog buddies, “wormy friends”, and the occasional baby snake that make their way to my front door step. Living across the street from a river we spend many days swimming, fishing, boating and just enjoying our peaceful piece of paradise.

Why Adoption?If you are wondering why we are taking this path for our life and family, let me share this with you. After having 3 beautiful children and enduring 2 premature deliveries (one with a very scary NICU stay) doctors told us the chances of carrying another baby full term were not good. A little heartbroken, we surrendered to the idea that our family was complete. Little did we know God had a different plan.

Jason and I had talked about adoption back before we had any biological children. We thought it was a beautiful way for a family to grow by offering a forever home to a child. The adoption subject would come up again in our marriage on and off but we never really pursued it much. In August of 2009, while taking a drive the topic of adoption came up again. We surrendered to the fact that given our circumstances an adoption may never be a way for us to grow our family. Again a little heartbroken we thought our family was complete. That evening I prayed one final prayer for the Lord to bring me a child and decided to let the topic rest.

Two weeks later a dear friend of mine (Lia’s Godmother) came in to my office with the picture of an orphan and asked me if I knew anyone with a heart for adoption?

The tug at my heart was very real now and I could no longer deny it. I called Jason to meet me for lunch so we could talk. We began reviewing our options for adoption again. We both felt we should get some more information and weigh our options. That very special night as we started researching adoption again we met our new daughter for the first time. I can't explain the emotion that came over me when I first saw her picture. I just knew she was my daughter. My heart had never been pulled to a child like this before. I showed her picture to Jason and he already knew exactly which child I was smitten with. “Look at those cheeks,” He said “She looks just like our kids when they were little.” Again in tears I asked Jason to think about it and pray for guidance.

The next day we spoke with the kids about adopting Wang Le Tong. After we saw their excitement we had the confirmation we needed this was our daughter. Jason and I were not sure how it would unfold but knew we had to try. On Jason's birthday we decided to call the adoption agency and Lia LeTong began her journey home. We are thrilled to welcome Lia into our family and feel as if she’s already been a part of our family for the last 17 months. This whole journey has been about following God’s plan to grow our family and not our own. We have to admit we were often fearful that our family and friends would wonder why we were doing such an unusual thing. We took time to look at the positives and negatives of adoption. As we prayed and sought God’s wisdom, it confirmed over and over again he was leading us to bring Lia home.

Many people in our community came together at a giant benefit to help bring Lia home. We were amazed how many of those around us were willing to help mountains move so Lia could join our family. We will be forever humbled and blessed by the kindnesses of family, friends, and strangers who stood in the gap to bring our little girl home.

Meet Lia

“An invisible red thread connects those that are destined to meet, regardless of time, place or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle but never break.” ~Ancient Chinese proverb

With indescribable joy, we introduce our girl Lia LeTong. The descriptions below provide what we know today about our little lady.

Chinese Name
Wang Le Tong

Soon to be Named
Lia LeTong

Height (Nov 2010): 107 cm

Weight (Nov 2010): 18 kg

Estimated to be born on February 10 2005, our beautiful little girl was found in Qingdao Children’s hospital on August 9,2005 by the staff who worked there.

From August 10, 2005 to September 30, 2006, she was cared for at the Children’s Welfare Institute of Qingdao City. In October of 2006, when Lia was approximately 20 months old, she went to live with the foster family who has cared for her to this day.

Her name’s origin
The family name Wang (meaning “King”) was given to all the children admitted in 2005 to the Children’s Welfare Institute of Qingdao. The Institute staff named our little lady Le Tong.

We were told LeTong means “Hope for happiness”

We chose to give LeTong the American name Lia after the Le part of her Chinese name which means “happiness”. In greek translations, Lia means “Bringer of good news”.

Tidbits we've learned about Lia along the way:

  • Her nannies describe LeTong as: “a cheerful, active and zealous little girl.” She is not choosy in food.
  • She prefers wheaten food, such as steamed buns, bread and rice. She likes dumplings the best. She also likes eating vegetables and fruits. Cabbages, potatoes, eggplants, oranges and apples are her favorite.”
  • LeTong likes listening to music and singing. She is talkative and has a ready smile. She is energetic and is fond of outdoor activities.
  • LeTong is a bright, active and cute girl who loves speaking and smiling. She loves everyone around her and expresses her feelings with words like “I kiss mama,” “papa is so kind,” “ I miss teacher”, etc.
  • She is fond of playing with balls and likes to play passing and throwing ball with others. She also loves plush toys and is happy to play with them alone.
  • She had a best friend named Wang Xuanyan who was adopted by a foreign family.
  • She enjoys attending classes at the sister school and likes to play together with other children. Her favorite game is a role playing game called Wa Wa Jia.
  • Her caregiver’s name is Wang Hui and all the children call her teacher.
  • She likes playing with the other children. One of her favorite games is "Passing Ball", but her arms can't raise too high. When she finds other kids crying, she will help to wipe their tears.
  • Everyone calls Lia by her nickname Tong Tong kindly.
Here are our the most recent pictures of our little one! We can't wait to meet her.  

Friday, February 4, 2011



LOI 10-11-09
PA 10-27-09
DTC 8-27-10
LID 8-31-10
LOA 10-20-10
I800 Sent 10-25-10
I800 Approved 11-10-10
Cabled 11-23-10
NVC Letter 11-24-10
Article 5 12-6-10
TA 12-27-10
GOTCHA Day!!! 2-20-11
Forever Family Day 2-21-11
CA 3-1-11